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Business Forum: Science and Art in Poultry Business
The poultry industry is the main source of animal protein for the Indonesian people, apart from culture and religion, which do not limit the consumption of poultry products. Poultry products are the cheapest source of animal protein compared to other animal proteins. In addition to providing food and protein, poultry is also played as a source of driving and economic growth for the community
However, the poultry business in Indonesia faces many challenges, poultry is not seen as strategic sector and some of government policies do not favorable for poultry industry, and as well, the consumer and public perceptions of poultry products are not always preferable. The government’s policy towards the poultry industry is still considered one-sided, which results in the national poultry having to pay high feed costs due to restrictions on imports of feed raw materials, especially corn and other feed ingredients. This has resulted in the national poultry industry being unable to compete with other countries within the ASEAN region. And on the other hand, the poultry industry is faced with stagnant growth in consumption of poultry products, even though the level of protein consumption is still very low.
Apart from the policy and consumer side, the national poultry industry cannot be separated from the character of the global poultry industry which tends to be consolidated, the consolidation of the poultry industry as an answer to efficiency and business risk reduction. This consolidation is seen by several actors including the government as something that is not in line with the direction of politic and fair policies, so that the dilemma for the application of equity and justice can result in inefficiency in the poultry industry. In another way, consumer trend on animal protein move into more “sustainable manner”, challenges of antibiotics used by animal production is highly attention and then consumer also have preferable on animal welfare and environment parameter such as green house gas emission.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created disruptions in several sectors, including the poultry sector. This seminar is expected to provide an overview of commodity prices, especially feed commodities as the largest cost component in the poultry industry. An overview of global poultry and the impact of the pandemic and future predictions with the poultry industry. As well as thoughts on the role of the national poultry industry in relation to resilience as a provider of animal protein as well as a provider of employment and equitable employment opportunities.
This is the basis for how HANTER-IPB (Alumni Association of Animal Science), the IPB University and the Indonesian Animal Scientist Association (ISPI), take a more role in this change to build advanced, efficient and fair poultry. As a livestock education institution, which produces educated poultry workers. The Alumni Association of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry (HANTER) IPB University, intends to hold an Online Seminar, with the title Business Forum: Science and Art in Poultry Business, which was held in the framework of the 58th Anniversary of IPB University. This seminar supported by Nutricell, Indonesian based animal nutrition and health.
As an institution that oversees scientists in the field of animal husbandry,. The Alumni Association of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry (HANTER) IPB University and Indonesia Animal Scientist Association (ISPI), supported by Nutricell, intends to hold an Online Seminar, with the title
Nutricell Business Forum: Science and Art in Poultry Business,
which held in the framework of the 58th Anniversary of IPB University and Nutricell’s 6th Anniversary. Online seminar plans are scheduled online at:
Friday, 10 September 2021
13:30 – 17:00 WIB.
This seminar will be open to the public, with participants from the Academic Community of IPB University, Members of the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry of IPB, Poultry business players, and State Civil Apparatus, both at the national and regional levels.
Through this seminar, it is hoped that it will provide an overview of the current Indonesian poultry industry, especially the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the behavior of poultry product consumers and poultry business players, as well as the opportunities and threats that will occur in the poultry industry. As a leading agricultural institution, this seminar is expected to be an input for further study materials for HANTER IPB, and the Academic Community of IPB, especially at the Faculty of Animal Science, IPB, including study materials for national poultry development policies.
This seminar will present speakers as follow:
- Martijn De Coqc; CEO and Founder of MDC FeedConsulting, The Netherlands. Which will provide presentation on “Commodity Market Analysis”. Where Martijn will give a presentation on the development of feed commodity prices, increase in logistics prices during the pandemic, as well as an overview of forecasts on livestock prices and conditions globally.
- Pierre Domps; Director of Business Development and Marketing Asia. ADM Animal Nutrition. Which will give the topic “Science and Art of Poultry Industry Around The World”. Dr. Domps will provide an overview of the poultry industry in global perspective, asia position as new growth economy of animal protein as well as its impact on COVID-19 pandemic.
- Eko Putro Sandjojo, BSc., MBA. Which will provide material “Indonesian Poultry Industry and its role on susstainability of protein supply”. Mr. Sandjojo is ones of high profile in Indonesian poultry industry. Where he was at top level (CEO) of an broiler integrator company, and was a member of the 2014 – 2019 Presidential Cabinet, as the Minister of Villages and Transmigration
This seminar was conducted through Zoom Meeting media; with the following agenda
13:00 : Zoom is open
13:30 – 13:40 : Opening by organizer
13:45 – 14:00 : Opening Speech by Head of ISPI
14:00 – 14:45 : Martijn De Coqc : Commodity Market Analysis
14:45 – 15:30 : Pierre Domps : Science and Art of Global Poultry Industry
15:30 – 16:15 : Eko Putro Sandjojo : Indonesian Poultry Industry and its role for sustainability of
protein supply
16:15 – 16:45 : Question and Answer
16:45 – 17:00 : Remark by Director General Livestock Service and Animal Health
17:00 : Zoom Closed
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