
Integrated Services from Nutricell Veterinary Service

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Integrated Services from Nutricell Veterinary Service

Nutricell provides a solution for the ruminant industry with a program to use ionophores as a rumen converter

The enactment of Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture (Permentan) Number 14/2017 concerning Classification of Veterinary Drugs in which there is a regulation banning AGP (Antibiotic Growth Promoter) continues to be discussed by stakeholders in the livestock sector to find a solution. No exception, the Indonesian Beef Cattle Farming Association (Gapuspindo) in Lampung held a seminar entitled “Medicated Feed In Ruminant” at Swiss Belhotel Lampung (3/12). The seminar was attended by leaders and staff of beef cattle companies in Lampung Province, including PT Juang Jaya Abadi Alam, PT GGL, PT Sumber Cipta Kencana, PT Austasia Stockfeed, PT JJM, PT Karunia Alam Sentosa A, PT Santosa Agrindo, PT Indoprima Beef , PT Andini Agro Loka and invited guests.

In front of dozens of seminar participants, Suaedi Sunanto, President Director of PT Nutricell Pacific, who was one of the speakers, started his presentation on the grid of MOA 14/2017. According to him, in article 1 of the MOA that what is meant by veterinary medicine is a preparation that can treat animals, relieve symptoms, or modify chemical processes in the body including biological, pharmaceutical, premix, and natural medicinal preparations. Then, the classification of veterinary drugs is the classification of veterinary drugs based on the level of danger of veterinary drugs in their use.

The use of veterinary drugs is a medical action that is carried out to increase animal immunity, prevent and cure animal diseases, and improve animal health. And, efforts to restore animal health by using animal medicine Suaedi Sunanto, and / or the act of administering veterinary medicine in feed, drinking water, drops, topical or parenteral in order to improve animal health and growth in accordance with the type of preparation and its classification.

Then in Article 2, it is stated that veterinary drugs based on the type of preparation can be classified into: biological; pharmaceutical; premix; and natural medicine. Meanwhile, in Article 3, it is stated that veterinary drugs as intended in Article 2, based on the level of danger in their use and consequences, are classified into: strong drugs; limited over-the-counter drugs; and over the counter drugs.

He added, in Article 17 for therapeutic purposes, antibiotics can be mixed in feed with a therapeutic dose and a maximum duration of use of seven days. Mixing veterinary drugs in feed for therapeutic purposes as referred to in paragraph (1) is in accordance with the instructions and under the supervision of a veterinarian. “This means that in MOA 14/2017 the use of antibiotics by the feed industry and the animal industry is regulated. In this regulation, antibiotics including ionophores can only be used for treatment purposes, which means they are under a veterinarian’s prescription and based on diagnostic parameters, “he said.

Ruminant Industry Solutions

Nutricell, according to Suaedi, through Nutricell Veterinary Services, develops solutions for the ruminant industry with prescribed drugs including antibiotics and ionophores.

The principle upheld by Nutricell is good medical practice by carrying out the rules and responsibilities of veterinarians, which include enforcement of veterinarian rules and responsibilities; develop good relationships with veterinarians. Then increase the capacity and veterinary knowledge and develop proper recording of antibiotic use and logistics.

Responsibilities and priorities for use are based on principles: antibiotic use must be based on a clear diagnosis; antibiotics of a class not used in humans (animals only) should be considered the first option for use. Then antibiotics in classes used in animals and humans (divided by class) will only be used with a clear justification, especially for the quinolone class. Antibiotic nutrition services include controls to ensure antibiotics are used correctly; transparency and validation of the use and care of animals by producers and veterinarians. Responsible use is also intended to be used for the right time, the right dose and the right molecule.

Another antibiotic nutrition service is collaboration, increasing the involvement of all stakeholders; innovation, exploring alternatives to antibiotics and veterinary surveillance. “Antibiotics are just one tool among many that breeders and veterinarians use to ensure animal health. And it must be used responsibly. A comprehensive program is needed to deal with threats and prevent animal diseases, ”said Suaedi.

Suaedi explained that the program currently running by Nutricell in Indonesia is using ionophores as a rumen converter. This program can be continuous or rotational with other ionophores. “So there is no special treatment program,” he explained.


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