
Improve Feed Quality With Rovizyme®

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Efficiency of feeding is a measure of success in livestock raising management. This is closely related to the bioavailability of feed nutrients, which are nutrient components that can be absorbed and used by livestock through metabolic processes. However, the facts in the field show several events that can affect the efficiency of feeding, for example fluctuations in the quality of raw materials. Time and process of harvesting, distribution and storage of feed raw materials resulted in a decrease in nutrients. In addition, the type of bond between feed nutrient molecules is also a determining factor in the success of increasing feed bioavailability. Loss of nutrients due to harvesting, distribution and storage of feed raw materials is a factor that is difficult to control. Therefore, one way to anticipate to stabilize and optimize the quality of feed raw materials is to provide enzymes in the feed-making process. Enzymes are biomolecules in the form of proteins that function as catalysts in an organic chemical reaction. The initial molecule called the substrate will be accelerated into another molecule called a product.

There are several types of enzymes, such as protease, amylase, phytase, glucanase and xylanase. Each of these enzymes has a specific function. Proteases function to break down protein fractions into simpler molecules in the form of amino acids, making them easier for the body to absorb. Amylase is an enzyme whose job is to hydrolyze the starch components into simple sugars. Phytase hydrolyzes phytic acid to release phosphorus molecules that are abundant in plant tissue, especially grains. Meanwhile, glucanase and xylanase each play a role in hydrolyzing glucan and xylan compounds, both of which are polysaccharide components.

ROVIZYME® (KEMENTAN RI No. D. 19116086 FTS) is a solution from PT. Nutricell Pacific in collaboration with PT. DSM Nutritional Products Manufacturing Indonesia to improve the quality of feed in the form of enzyme cocktails. Cocktail enzyme is a term used to describe a product that is composed of several components and types of enzymes. Each of these types of enzymes works as a catalyst specifically according to their function. Improving the quality of feed is an effort to reduce FCR. In the picture above, it can be seen that the use of ROVIZYME® contributed to a 5% reduction in FCR in the control.

ROVIZYME® is used by mixing it into the feed. The recommended dosage of ROVIZYME® is 500 grams / tonne for broilers and 375 grams / tonne for layers.


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